Instantly monetize your newsletter

Flyer lets your effortlessly launching self-serve classifieds for your newsletter and generate additional revenue with every issue.

Setup takes minutes

You have total control.

Setting up Flyer is so easy. You configure how many ads you want to offer, how much your ads will cost, and tell us how you'd like to be paid. That's it.

Include in Newsletter

Copy the snippet into your newsletter.

Our HTML snippet is universally compatible and can be inserted into any newsletter. All you need to do each issue is copy and paste the snippet, which contains your ads and link to your booking page.

Your booking page

Ads are booked while you sleep.

Flyer creates and hosts your ad booking page, which is linked to in every issue from the classifieds section. Approved advertisers are encouraged to book early to get the best price, and all payment is handled by Stripe. You don't need to do anything.

Simple Pricing


We only make money if you make money. Flyer takes 10% of the ad revenue (after 3.5% credit card fees). All payments are through Stripe and deposited directly into your bank account.

You have control

Simple management.

You can choose to approve advertisers, or approve every ad before it can be booked for placement. You can also reject any ad before you publish.

Want Flyer in your newsletter?

Join our waitlist.

Flyer is slowly becoming available to newsletter publishers. To get access to the platform, sign up below and we'll reach out when we're ready to onboard you.